Today we went to visit Mimi. She's my grandma. Maya made up this name for her all by herself. She just went up to her one day and said Hi Mimi! I love it when kids do that. Anyway- it was so good to visit. Each day that goes by that Mimi is here is precious. She used to spoil us so. I'd live for those weekends at grandma's that I got to do by myself. She's cook us anything we wanted to eat. She always could find the best tasting lunch meat. Her macaroni salad can beat no other! Ice cream treats were always in the freezer. Not just plain ice cream, but treats like the ice cream tree cutouts with sprinkles on them or the orange push pops. She loved to shop so we'd walk to the mall(grandma never drove). We'd watch movies and do puzzles. 500 piece jigsaw puzzles were always on the back porch. I will treasure these memories and tell Maya about them someday soon.
I am not and never will be left handed. My mom is, my brother is. I am a righty all the way. I cut my right thumb last week and had to bowl tonight. Now- I also have a pulled chest muscle. Can I just say I am so glad bumper bowling was invented. I kind of just let the ball fall out of my hand onto the lane. I am sure it was a halarious sight!
1. I am into the itsvacationsoi'llscraptillallendsofthemorningmode. Hee hee hee, too fun.
2. My thumb hurts, still. 3. Nestle Turtles with dark chocolate were a staple today.
4. Maya played with her dollhouse for an hour straight today.
5. Tomorrow night is the dance studio Christmas Party. I am not ready. We are going bowling. How am I supposed to stick my thumb into a bowling ball.
6. We still have 3 more Christmases. It's not over yet, no matter how bad the TV and radio stations want it to be.
7. Maya was reading one of her library books today and said baby Jesus in the manger. Wrong words, but totally right on with the book!
8. She kept her undies dry for about two hours today. We're workin!
9. I made these tonight for my little dance assistant teachers. Altered mini notebooks!
10. I organized all my "floating recipes"(you know, the ones you trim from papers or magazines or print from online that just sit in your little box, but they're too big). Anyway- for a gift exchange on my mom's side this year we did a recipe exchange. I decided everyone needed a fun altered binder to put them all in. So- along with the recipes we just exchanged, I also organized all my other ones in it. Whoo hoo! A clean cabinet and no more annoying recipe box on the counter.
A second attempt at a photo shoot and one ornery 2 year old. Making mini cheesecakes with Nana at her house. Pulling a chair to the counter is one of Maya's favorite things to do!
Home for the holidays! Here is me, my sis and bro. This is Christmas Eve, a day we always spend with my parents. It's my mom's birthday. And our Christmas celebration there! Merry Christmas morning my dear Maya. She is setting up her very own new dollhouse here!
Well- Christmas Eve, but the wee hours of Christmas morning that's for sure. We've spent the past couple of days visiting family. I'll make sure to catch up on photo of the day tomorrow sometime. We've had some precious Kodak moments! tee hee hee. I also cut my thumb while slicing vegtables for a salad. Beware of the Pampered Chef Ultimate Slice and Grate. No stitches, but a very sore thumb. I wish everyone a very blessed holiday!
We went to a tree festival today only to find out it was over. Yup- Mid November up to Thanksgiving weekend. Then the beautifully lit trees get auctioned off and taken to probably just as beautiful homes for the holidays. Hmmpf! Maybe next year. So there is this quaint little building full of general stores nearby. We walked around there a bit so our 20 minute trip out there was worth our while. I found this fabulous find!
I love polka dots! The goodies next to it are those yummy turtles (rolo on a pretzel). I made some for our neighbors. Good night from our house!
1. It's 6 days before Christmas and I can't find any 5x5 picture frames! 2. I have major chest pain that I am going to see the Dr. about on Thursday. Can I say I am poppin Advil like it's candy. I lifted a large, heavy box the wrong way about a week ago and I may have really hurt something. What??? You mean I am not superwoman??? We try, don't we ladies? 3. Tomorrow's the last day of dance class for two whole weeks(insert annoying sing song voice here) 4. Target is pretty quiet at the 9pm hour. 5. I rearranged my scrap space to include a rather large play area for Maya. Yet- she spends most of her time in the chair across from me stamping, coloring and sticking stickers. 6. We're gonna make more homemade turtles tomorrow! 7. I cannot wait for Maya to open her toys on Christmas so we can all play with them. 8. I cheated on picture of the day today. It's not from today, but it's from a Christmas cookie exchange so it counts. 9. I am almost done with my latest Christmas gift project and about to move on the next. Oh wouldn't you like to know. 10. The house is quiet and all are in bed. Just me and Mr.wavearoundlikeyou'regonnafallagainwhen someonewalksbyyouchristmastree are awake.
So tired tonight- short and sweet. Last night I made my first altered letter. It was for my neice Malia, but Ben pointed out a huge crack on the back next to the opening where you put the nail to hang it up, so now it's mine. I will just have to make her another one! Love love love this Chatterbox! So sweet and feminine. I couldn't decide which picture so one of these might be for tomorrow. Yes, that's cheating, but 2 pictures, 2 days, right...Anyway- Maya is going to be a flower girl for the first time. One of my teachers at the studio is getting married in July. We went to the bridal shop today for measuring. Too fun- she was way excited.
Wow! We had a huge day today. Snack with Santa at the zoo was this morning with all the cousins and grammy and papa! Hard to believe a year went by. I was just scrapping last year's!
So- we were taking bets on if Maya would sit on Santa's lap....I lost. She did it and I was the one that cried. She was so grown up as she walked right up to him all by herself. Here is the sequence of events... Making her way up to the big red chair...
A glance at the family papperatzi wildly snapping photos with about 6 cameras, a video camera and the zoo photographer looking at all of us like we're crazy! Look at her hands together. I can just tell she was so nervous, but wanted to be all grown up.
Santa- "What would you like for Christmas?" Maya - "prensents" Santa-"What kind of presents?" Maya- "prensents" That's it just prensents. Nothing specific- I think that can be handled. No- no coaching from mommy and daddy for the last month on what Santa does on Christmas Eve in order to make him sound like a very loved man by all the children of the world and not a big scary bearded guy in an oversized red jumpsuit with big black boots. Santa brings presents is what we have been saying. So that's what she said.....tee hee hee
Then it was off to the mall for my dance studio's holiday performance. Our 4 performance teams graced center court with tap, jazz, hip hop and ballet. They were incredible and I was so proud of them. It's amazing to see a student you taught at age 3 grow up to be on a performance team at age 9 and just shine!!! Of course I had to get some shopping done while I was out and about alone. I just can't seem to stay away from this store. UGH! Why does little girly stuff have to be so darn cute! Ben had a dress rehearsal for our church play at the same time, so it was off to Grammy's for Mayabee. Her and I had Chinese out for supper after my performances and brought Daddy some leftovers. With all our December activites, our fridge has looked kinda bare lately. So- off to the grocery store! Poor Maya zonked in the car on the way home. I am looking forward to a nice vacation coming up.
So- the actual photo of the day is this..a tiny little hand with Rudolf so skillfully painted on it. Within about 30 seconds poor Rudolf was a big brown smudge, but he started off beautiful!
I think some scrappin is in order this evening to wind down. Hot chocolate with some newly bought rediwhip!
Our first official photo shoot. Didn't go as well as planned. I have a lot of practicing to do and Maya ended up in tears because she wanted to wear her pink pajamas and look at herself in the mirror. We are in our bedroom because the window lets in a lot of natural light and there just happens to be a mirror caddy corner from her. Case in point. Oh well- I may try again tomorrow.
1. My favorite Christmas carol is Hark the Herald, but it has to be the Amy Grant version. 2. My favorite Christmas movies are Charlie Brown Christmas, Elf, Miracle on 34th street. 3. I have about 1/2 of my shopping done so far.....what to get a husband, hmmmmm. 4. Our tree is still standing! 5. A week from Thursday I will be on Christmas break! 6. Bought a santa hat for Maya today. We will be working on a Christmas photo shoot in the near future. She has been sick with a virus. Yes- a 103 degree fever at 5am and all I get from the doctor is it's a virus. 7. Christmas cards are mailed, a blog banner is in the making and there are way too many cookies on the kitchen counter. 8. Saturday is snack with Santa. Want to take bets on if Maya will sit on his lap? My vote is no. Although he is going to bring her a present and it is blue. So she says. 9. Is anyone fluent in Photoshop elements? I want to create some digital stuff for a Christmas gift and it's just not workin. 10. Coming soon- the 12 days of Christmas photo a day!
1. Loved seeing that first gentle snowfall when waking up this morning. A thin dusting on the streets and rooftops was a gorgeous sight. 2. Today was one of those days that I didn't really like my job. Didn't feel like going, not one bit. Staying home in my pj pants and hoodie, crafting and eating meatball subs with my family sounded so much better. 3. Got the bathroom cleaned and 3 loads of laundry done today. Not sure how we lasted cuz basically all our clothes were in the dirty wash. There are still 2 more loads waiting. 4. The tree is still standing. 5. How do you put a two year olds coat on when she doesn't want to leave the place you're at and doing everything in her power to prevent that coat from going on? 6. Watched Al Gore on Oprah today and I am convinced that our next car will be a hybrid, I am buying cloth grocery bags and we are going to wrap our water heater in a water heater coat. Bec - you'd be so proud. We already use the energy saving light bulbs. 7. I haven't gotten the mail yet today because it is so cold outside and I don't want to walk from the front door to the mailbox. It's now almost 10:30pm. Can you say LAZY! 8. Maya speaks in 6 word sentences sometimes. Can't believe how fast this little girl is growing up. 9. Ben updated his blog! 10. I am loving blasting the Christmas music in the car!
We traveled to the tree farm to cut down our Christmas tree on Saturday and found a beautiful, 7.5 footer, Scotch Pine. Got it home and realized the very tip touched the ceiling, but that's ok cuz the star can go on a branch in front of the tip. Anyway- the tree, decorated in all its glory of only a couple of hours, was the perfect tree. Until it Ben's lap.....I hear an OH NO from the living room as I am putting away dishes in the kitchen. I look and scream as I see the tree falling in slow motion into my husband's lap on the couch. Maya- a few feet away- says "tree fall down." So- we send her to the playroom as we begin to pick up pieces of crushed memories, I mean ornaments. We only lost about 5. So lucky that no one was hurt. As we were cleaning up, Maya peeks out from the playroom and says - "Be nice, OK." And we were, totally, but she was making sure that this minor catastrophe wouldn't cause us to be a bit short with eachother as we soaked up gallons of water from the carpet. Yup- the whole darn tree stand went with it. Our tree is front heavy, so now instead of the train going round the tree, a beautiful golden gift bag filled with dry concrete is sitting on top of 2 pieces of wood that holds the tree stand down. I have always been the one insisting on a real tree. I love the smell, the experience....I believe we are hitting the after Christmas sales and getting our very first artificial. So sad and yet so safe. Here are some pics of the before and after. I am very sad now that I didn't get a during shot, but I definitely will scrap the story.
Last night I got home to see a bucket sitting under one of our bedroom door frames. Yup-you guessed it- we had a roof leak. So- my brave husband went up through the tiny attic door(for the very first time. Nope- we never checked the attic before moving into this house 5 years ago). He spotted the leak and a friend and him patched the roof today. Now- we had winds of over 45 miles an hour and they were on the roof, patching a leak. LOVELY- I am so glad I wasn't home for this. Where was I you ask? I was at the Dr. with Maya. She woke up with hives on her face, hands and legs. The doc seems to think it had to do with opening up the attic for the first time. This kid is going to be an allergy kid. I can just feel it. Needless to say, she is doing much better.
On a happier note- I went to Old Navy today. I went there today to pick up a couple hat and mitten sets. One for Maya and one for a little girl from the angel tree at church. I was at the checkout with my $20 bill in hand. Each set was $8.50. So the girl says $10.00. I was like really, she was like yup- 2 for 10. Cool I thought, but then she says wait I have a coupon for you. Ok I thought, she ran the coupon hands me the bag and says thanks have a great day. But wait- I didn't pay for it yet. It's free she said. WHAT? Nothing is free...The coupon was spend $10 or more and get $10 off. I really believe it was a blessing. When you do things for others, God really does bless you! So I really spoiled the Angel tree girl at the toy store with her other gift as the hat set was FREE!
I have been wanting to get a pair of Uggs, but decided against it as they are so much money. So I found these! $39.99 baby! Gotta love a deal and they are just as comfy!
I snuck a peek at Maya playing today and had to get a picture. She is just so cute with her pretend little voices and now she even names the little people.