The cupcakes that never were...
Last week Maya was star of the week at preschool. But- she only goes to preschool two days a week and one of those days she woke up with the flu. It happened to be the big Halloween parade day, the big Halloween party day, her first star of the week day, her bring a snack for the class day......we were very sad here at our house. make a long story short, we made these very special cupcakes during the day on Monday. I put them in the basement to stay cool for Tuesday. She was sick Tuesday. I remembered them on Wednesday night and they were a melty orangy,brown and white mess. So Thursday for school we took scooby doo crackers and juice boxes.
The end.
Goodness, that must have been frustrating on so many levels!
that is a really sad story. :(
scooby's cool, though. :)
Did someone say scooby snacks?? yum. Those cupcakes look wonderful, too! I think I just have a sweet tooth...
Oh, bummer!
I bet the kids were just as happy with the scooby snacks though!
that just sucks!
Hee hee.
Poor babe, I do hope she's feeling better. Those cupcakes sure look like they would have been good. :)
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