Susiebeezie Ohio Convention
I continue to be amazed what scrapbooking can do in a person's life. I just read lately that scrapbooking is more than a hobby, it's a lifestyle. I now truly believe this. My word for 2007 is goodness. I need to find the goodness in people. Don't get me wrong, there is goodness everywhere! The challenge for me is to pull it out in situations where I think it is lacking. Friday- all I can say is Oh my goodness! It's funny because I have friends where I live. Close friends. Close friends that I can meet for dinner and catch up. Close friends in that we share a piece of our lives-say college memories. Friends that I get together with for coffee as our kids play. Then there are friends that I scrapbook with. There is an instant connection there. I am so blessed to have met my new friend Amber - a missionary in Kosovo, mother of two- a beautiful person in every way.
(Amber and Caleb)
Katy - a mother of three boys, dedicated to her family and church. JennyM - also a mother of three(2 are twins) and one on the way, sweet and smiley full of happiness. Marie - whom I've known for awhile, loves her husband and daughter till no end and whom with I have sooooooooooo much in common it is scary.
(Marie holding Maya)
This experience was overflowing goodness. We talked as if we were old friends. We shared kid stories, scrapbooking experiences, our love for Archivers, Cord and LSS, our Canon Rebels, our jobs, our families, our hopes, our youth and our future. We shared peeks into our daily lives in hopes that we could get to know eachother a bit more. We vowed to keep getting together as schedules permit. It was wierd because this day some of us met for the very first time, but it felt like we had known eachother forever. was hard to say goodbye. Bittersweet my friends. I thank God every day for the people in my life that challenge me to be a better wife, mother, friend, scrapbooker, photographer, teacher....It was good. They are my friends.
My sweet Maya!
Marie's sweet Lily!
Oh, this makes me so happy!!!
I love all these pictures- I especially can't believe how grown up Lily looks. Can I enlist you to help nag Marie to send me a photo cd? I'm dying for some new pictures of Lily.
I'm glad you had such a great time. :-)
Sounds like a fab time. It is so great to have those kinds of experiences in life. Always good to make new friends.
what great pix! how fun!
i've been stalking blogs for updates. i am so jealous you were all able to meet like that in a group! so happy to see some pics!
Yippee!! I'm so happy you all had a fun get-together.
And, I can relate, Missy- this hobby has changed my life in so many GOOD ways. Thank you thank you for the update. Your photos capture sheer happy times!
It was so much fun seeing you again! I always wish we had more time. It is wonderful to have friends that you share so much with. :) big smiles, all day
what do I comment on first?
great photos!
surrounded by all that GOODNESS who needs to shop? hehe
seriously though - so glad you got to experience this day and form these friendships - all in the name of scrap booking & so much more!
cute lily & maya BE any sweeter?
Goodness is such a great word! Thanks for sharing your time together - awesome pictures!
Goodness is such a great word! Thanks for sharing your time together - awesome pictures!
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