This and That...
Aside from the laundry detergent, swiffer floor wipes and pj's, Target also provides a tired mama with a peaceful hour of alone time without the sick kiddo as she walks through every aisle just to pass the time before she has to go back to flu land.
Got the bathroom cleaned, the living room arranged, hallway and bedrooms vacuumed this morning and all the sheets changed. Felt very prosperous. Gotta get those germies out!
Why do McDonald's French Fries have to taste so good?
Here is my Aug. circle journal layout for Desiree's book. My scanner is so on the fritz...I apologize for the nasty scan and the cropped out words. The scanner makes it look so un-pretty. I was supposed to journal about my favorite flower. Well, I love flowers and couldn't pick just one, so I picked my Mother's Day Garden that Ben and Maya make for me every year.
I just love those papers (I used all mine up!) And how sweet is that? They make you a garden! Wow! So sweet.
I still think it looks pretty, and I wonder the same thing about ice cream, ALL ice cream.
The retreat from flu land is so necessary;feel better soon Maya.
McD's fries are soooo good.
the cheeseburgers from mcdonald's are definitely my weakness!
How sweet is your husbandly? Mine would have to promise to water it throughout the spring, though since it would all be dead by Father's Day. hee-hee. Hope you get to enjoy it a little longer than that!
I am secretly in love with McDonalds fries and target...ok not really secretly!
i didn't know about the garden. go ben!!!
mc'ds fries are just salty goodness.
hope the flu has flown the coop!
love that fresh paper on your page!
that is a sweet present!
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