Peas and Carrots
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Can someone out there give me a kid friendly veggie recipe? Maybe if I disguise the peas in a sweet cream sauce she will eat them. Or maybe if I cover the carrots in brown sugar it will do the trick. I have a very picky two year old that doesn't eat her veggies. She loves fruit, but that's just not going to cut it. Any ideas?
Can someone out there give me a kid friendly veggie recipe? Maybe if I disguise the peas in a sweet cream sauce she will eat them. Or maybe if I cover the carrots in brown sugar it will do the trick. I have a very picky two year old that doesn't eat her veggies. She loves fruit, but that's just not going to cut it. Any ideas?
Ummmm. not really. How about a nice smoothie with fruits and veggies in it?
Missy.. you are loved by your 'tis herself girlies teammates!!
happy scavenger hunting!
You've been visited my a 'tis herself girlie.
I'm not the one to ask! My almost-two-year-old lives on yogurt and oatmeal. Aargh! You've been visited by the 'tis herself girlies!!
Yeah, mine just turned three and veggies are not on the menu most days...*LOL*...although he loves juice popcicles so I've been thinking of pureeing some carrots & stuff and putting those in there...?....hope he doesn't need therapy later...*LOL*
(a 'tis herself visit!)
Katy here for Susie...
when my boys were that age they would eat anything if there was a dip to go with it. ketchup, ranch, cheese, hummus, whatever... something to dip, that is my idea
Sorry, we are in the same boat here.
If fact I used to puree veggies into spaghetti sauce until he figured it out and wouldn't eat sauce for a while. Little stinker! :)
i love peas. those look yummy!
but no help otherwise, sorry!
Hi Missy! ANother chickadee here. :)
if only I knew how to get kids to eat veggies!
I do agree with the dip suggestion. Dips get my 2 year old to try things and maybe spat back out again though.
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